Sunday, June 14, 2015

Flat 12 Christmas In July

Many people associate certain beers to certain seasons. I will admit that even I will raise an eyebrow to anyone who exclaims "give me a stout!" in the middle of July. However, for barrel-aged Pinko, I can make an exception.

On July 25th, at the Flat 12 Brewery in Indy, Flat 12 will be busting out several different varieties of their delicious Pinko Russian Imperial Stout. A few probably have grumbled about the heat already, but fear not. All of this drinking will take place in a 30,000 square foot cooler. Check out Flat 12 on Facebook for more info.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Podcast Review: Stone Ruination 1.0 v. 2.0

Hello fellow beer enthusiasts. I reported that Stone would be changing up their revered Ruination Imperial IPA a little while back. I decided that I wanted to do a head to head on the new and the old. That is when two friends and former beer regulars at the LBSM approached me to join them on their beer podcast.

So, we joined up and poured these beers starting with age before beauty with the original first. We...well, I won't spoil the fun. Below is a link to the podcast. Just look for the posts titled Another Round #21 and #22. Hope you all enjoy listening as I did recording with them.


Bell's Funvitational

Most people can't start a debate about the best breweries without including Bell's. From popular beers like HopSlam and Oberon to much sought after rarities like Black Note and Oracle, Bell's is synonymous with great beer.

Thus, when I saw the lineup of Bell's Funvitational, I squealed with glee like a teenage girl at an Ed Sheeran concert. Over a hundred of the top breweries in the country will flock there. I had to hold the3 urge to rush to send Bell's a check with nothing on it but "insert any amount".

However, Bell's is taking a unique and novel approach. Instead of events like Three Floyd's Dark Lord Day where everyone rushes to refresh their browser and buy, Bell's asks that you send them a check via mail and include a reason why you should get a golden ticket. Kudos, Bell's. Below I have included the link for those adventurous enough to give it a try. I know I will consider it heavily.
